A couple of weeks ago Ms. D and I traveled an hour or so to visit with some acquaintences that we wanted to get to know a bit better. To say it was a success is an understatement. Ms. D is between the two girls in age. "A" the Elder is 10 and "A" the Younger is 8. Within minutes they were producing a variety show to regale Joy, their mother, and I with. Next came the tea party.
The girls have a sweet little bird, whose name escapes me at the moment. Ms. D was in LOVE.
The bird was kind enough to join Ms. D for tea.
The bond was instant. The bird with unknown name is young, but will be bred at some point this spring. Which means babies. Which means Ms. D has her eye to the future of feathered friends.
While I'm sure this would go over just fine with Moxie the Hyperactive Kitty I think it would lead to a great deal of carnage. Ms. D. thinks we can circumvent any problems with a bird cage.
And I'm seeing visions of Sylvester and Tweety.
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