Let me say that I love children. Babies are squeezable and smell sweet, toddlers are entertaining.I've been struggling with the desire to have more children. (another topic, another post...) Oddly, many of my friends and acquaintances don't have toddlers. I would say the average I am around a toddler is about 2.8 hours a month. It's been awhile since I had a toddler in close proximity for any length of time, say like 6.45 hours. It's been six years to be exact.
I thought I"d never forget how to care for, speak to or diaper change a toddler. It's like riding a bike, right? How hard can it be, for heaven's sake? This is what I asked myself when I offered to care for Kim and Barak's nephew.
Barak fixes my computer for the cost of my homemade Pesto Pizza. Kim I've known since, well, birth. Kim fixed me up with David. I owe her alot. (Let's not dwell on this comment because David just walked in the room and dropped a wet towel on the floor and I could change my mind about just how much I owe Kim..) Kim and Barak have a son, Little B. Little B is a bit younger than Ms. D. Kim and Barak wanted more children, but Kim was unable to. So when they assumed care (for now and the near future) of Barak's nephew, Freddie, (his mother is "unable to care for him at this time") who is two, I was thrilled for them.
Kim adores that sweet baby boy.
But Kim is working full time until April in a tax office.
Kim is having a rough time finding care for the wee boy.
Kim asks her friend Maria to help out this week.
Maria responds inwardly with "How hard can that be?" and says outwardly
"I would love to!"
Today was the day. In he walked, happy as a clam. Took off his coat and made himself at home.
He's an easy going little boy. Running and jumping and hiding and running and jumping off the furniture and running some more and grabbing things that I "Oops, honey that's not for babies!" and "Oh, boy I forgot that kids aren't supposed to have that...can I see that sweetie? No? Come back here! How could he run so fast?? Oh, Ms. D you're right that IS too sharp for him...now where did he go? Oh, sweetie, don't touch the computer! Okay, T.V....Sponge Bob, mindless T.V. sure!"
While thinking we had a bit of a break thanks to Sponge Bob and his Square Pants I tried to get a few things done. Until Ms. D comes to me tearfully. Freddie had somehow gotten a hold of a treasured sketch. Ms. D has a friend who is 15. He is the sweetest, kindest, most considerate 15 year old boy imaginable and Ms. D worships him. She saved this sketch he was doodling with one day while over at our house. She's saved it for months. It it is now in 10 little pieces. So is her heart.
Mom to the rescue. We ironed it and taped it back together. While keeping Freddie away from the iron, and the waste paper basket, and the oulets, and the lamp, and the window shade cords...oh, look! Pillows, let's jump on those, why didn't I think of that sooner??
Now it's time for lunch. Ms. D and I haven't showered. But that isn't unusual. What is unusual is the reason we haven't showered. I try to fix lunch, while Ms. D occupies Freddie. Boxes are so entertaining!
And so are kitties.
(hint: kitty is under...way, way under the shelves...smart kitty)
Kitty wants to eat, and Freddie wants to help. Freddie puts all the food spilled on the floor back into the cat dish. One, by one, by one, by one. Very concentrated effort on his part. Kitty was NOT thankful.
Meanwhile, lunch is served. In all seriousness, this kid is a charm. When you say 'no' he listens (at least to me) when you redirect, he stays redirected. Then he discovered the magnets on the washer/dryer and time stood still for him. I just watched.
This was my John Holt moment. Freddie was SO busy just taking those little magnets and putting them, no, not in his mouth, but arranging them neatly in rows.
Suddenly I thought he was the most brilliant kid EVER.
OHMYGOSH what on earth is that smell? Oh. right. I had to do it, didn't I? No one else was. Not a problem, really, how many diapers had I changed in Ms. D's lifetime? I had diaper changes SO down I could change her diaper in less than a square foot of space, with one hand, and 1/2 a baby wipe. I was that good.
Oh, Freddie tried to comply willingly, laying himself right down for the inevitable diaper change. And we managed just fine. Of course, that was ten minutes , one backwards diaper, four baby wipes and clothes scattered to the four winds, later, but it was done, by golly. I was wiped. In more ways than one. Before I could wash my hands (and they needed it....) Freddie discovered the camera....
...a few times...
Blessedly nap time came. Much to Freddie's dismay....and my dismay at the fact it lasted only a 1/2 hour. Had children changed that much in six years? Good grief, good child or no, I needed more respite...after all, I wanted to shower!
Before I knew it, Kim came through the door to pick up Freddie. Our afternoon had gone so fast. And I recalled that keeping up to a toddler is NOT like riding a bike. It's like work.
I had managed pretty well, despite the diaper debacle. I didn't get a shower, but I got to stand amazed at being reminded at how toddlers are learning constantly everysinglebusysecond of their very full lives. Ms. D. learned a lot too. (Of course, she took an hour long nap after he left, something she hasn't done in a very very long time.) She's not exactly sure what, but she did learn something.
I also have an amazing amount of respect for homeschooling moms who have more than one and some of those in diapers. I barely managed to keep up with housework and get Ms. D some school time in. Freddie amused himself quite a bit with those magnets so we managed to get some book work done. But let me tell you, I'm not sure I could handle that on a day to day basis. Honestly.
On the other hand, this picture that Ms. D took made me kind of wistful. And not just because my butt looks big.
Is anyone else seeing a THEME here???
Oh, good, oh good this is supposed to happen!
Mommylion mentioned something that I have been thinking about a lot lately, too. What with Ms. D's eye issues I think Ms. D's interests and development educationally have been on hold. I am hoping it's as Mommylion says that "the skills will unlock." And maybe that will help a lot of the frustration on my part. Then everything will be sweetness and light, roses and ponies, and I'll quit eating chocolate.And back to Doc's resources. For those of you who have only scratched the surface of homeschooling blogs and homeschooling in general, let me show you Doc's Downloads and Lesson Planning and Secular Suppliers. She has scads of experience and is kindly sharing it all. It's been awhile since I've perused her resources. Ms. D is at another level so I need to peruse with fresh eyes.