See, I know you're out there. You may have stumbled here via Googleing Lands' End Summer Mocs, Curriculum, Off Their Rocker Homeschool Moms, or even What Can I Do While My Nails Dry. You may stay awhile and never return. You may hang out now and then. You may flee with alacrity. At any case, you should really, really, really, leave a comment. (Click Here For More Info.)
'Cause I love comments.
It validates me. And that's important to someone who was an only child for the crucial developmental years of her life.
Glad you found your way over here. If you used to subscribe to my blog when I was at blogspot, please feel free to do so once again! If not, sign up! I you don't have a reader, then sign up for emails to not miss EVERY SINGLE WORD UTTERED by ME!!
If by any chance you have me listed on your blog (which I'm sure ALL of you do, right...) you may want to change the address!
Meanwhile, do me a favor and play around a little bit with this site. I wanted it to be easy to navigate, so let me know if you're having problems. I'm still working the bugs out, so if you stop by and notice things are out of wack, just wait a day or two.
In moving everything over here, I may have lost some of your comments. That is why I will shortly announce the Commenters Challenge Award from the blogger site! That's right, for those of you who responded to that challenge I will be randomly and very high technically choosing a winner for this first time illustrious award....stay tuned....
Now back to the fun and games....
Posted on February 04, 2008 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)