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« I Heart Baggallini Forever | Main | Home/Un Schooling Post »

May 12, 2009


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Jodi Anderson :: so NOT cool

Although I've pretty much quit commenting on everyone's blogs, and not blogging much myself, I just thought I'd crawl out of the woodwork and say "hello" again. :)

I have been a fan of Millay since I was a child. I recently read her biography, Savage Beauty. Have you read it?! It's terrific.

I also recently came across an online tour of her kitchen, which I really enjoyed.


I'm just poppin' over to say "thanks" for stopping by my blog, and come back soon!
I can't wait to look around your I go! ;-)

Champagne Fluffyduck

I am deeply honored! Thank you Miss D!

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  • "The most important thing any teacher has to learn, not to be learned in any school of education I ever heard of, can be expressed in seven words: Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners."~~John Holt

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  • Kittenfish
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