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April 12, 2009


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Champagne Fluffyduck

"Musings of a Tower Flower"?

Bravo, Ms. D!!!


Wow, the end of that was really powerful, wasn't it?

How about, "Amorphous"?


I'm totally impressed. I have no idea what to name it but I think it's fabulous!

anna crook

Okay, I have three(!!!) suggestions to throw into the pot, because, well, I'm indecisive(: Here they are, listed in no particular order:

1. Becoming
2. Unfurling
3. Hepatica (because they are so sweet and innocent and they kind of come up before the real spring has even begun.)


I love it! Well done Miss D.


I vote "Musings of a Tower Flower!"

Your ever daring Prance-a-lot

My dearest Flower
in a Tower!
Never fear!
You're Knight is here!


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