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March 01, 2009


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Yup. We have three seasons in Maine, winter, mud season and summer :)


Hey David, Maria, and Ms D! Have'nt seen you geys in a long time! I love your blog. Looks like a lot of fun. Would love to see more recent pictures of everyone. Yes, including you Maria! I would love to come visit sometime. Never been to Maine. We were at your mom and dads house today Maria. Dyed your moms hair. Looks good! Well, got to go and watch the rest of the second season of The Office. I will blog later. Love ya!

Amelia, and fam

Urban Mom

Oh, I hear ya... Snowed ALL DAY here today. I'm done, I tell ya. DONE! Wintertime burnout is overtaking me!

Hang in there... it can't go on forever.

Right? Right?????

Champagne Fluffyduck

I have now turned to watching videos of Walt Disney World whilst clutching a glass of Merlot.....or two.

Spring can't come soon enough!

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  • "Everyone is someone else's wierdo." ~~Jim Beltran/Jamie Heisner

Quote That:

  • "The most important thing any teacher has to learn, not to be learned in any school of education I ever heard of, can be expressed in seven words: Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners."~~John Holt

Davids Art

  • Kittenfish
    A smattering sampling of my favorite artist. Okay, my second favorite artist. I guess I mean, ONE of my favorite artists.


  • Bubbles
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Missing WI

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  • What Year Is This?
    Old photos from school days. Contact me if you want these removed from the World Wide Web. We can discuss that. For a price.

My ME Weather

Let It Snow!

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  • Altas Quest: A letterboxing website