So, it's that time of the year when I go through 'homeschool panic'. I'm pretty sure most homeschool parents go through it. Don't they? They do, right? Tell me they do.That "oh-my-gosh-my-child-isn't-learning-anything-and-it's-all-my-fault" feeling. I consider myself an eclectic homeschooler (hence the blog name. I don't know if you caught that....) bouncing between hardcore,relaxed and unschooling. Due to aforementioned panic I am in my hardcore homeschooling phase of eclectic, in which I start searching through all the curriculum, product, books, resources I haven't unearthed last year and line them up into a semblance of schedule and something called Year Goals.
And I make myself crazy.
Here is a great post I found online that I should, and will, read from time to time reminding me of what I'm doing and why.
Unschool Days:The Decision to Unschool
Holly details her decision to Unschool her first grader while at the same time writing a letter of resignation as a public school teacher. It's a bit long. Grab your favorite beverage (at this 'homeschool panic' time of year, mine is a martini) and sit a bit to read her post. I think you'll be glad you did.
...and then there is THIS site....
For those of you not familiar with unschooling and it's evolution check out this site.
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