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February 12, 2008


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I love your hair. Especially the straight version. The lipstick thing cracks me up. Reminds me of how my grandma used to tell me "you could be so pretty if you'd just use a bit more makeup".

I cut my own hair which ends up either adequate or not so much. Notice how few pics of myself I have on my blog :) Of course if I had some with cute young guys flirting with me, I would maybe share a few. But even though that happens to me all the time there never seems to be a camera around when I need it. Okay, maybe not all the time...

I got ID'd for beer the other day, that must count for something?


OH, that is so my mother who is probably reading this..."You'd look great if you just (insert anything here)" I realize she just wanted me to realize my full potential.

I should explain the nice young man in the picture. But perhaps another time. I shall let everyone think wickedly about it for awhile.

Getting ID'd SO counts!!

Thanks for the comments/compliments!

Urban Mom

You look great either way -- lucky you! The grass is always greener on the other side, right? I have naturally curly hair, and there's nothing I love more than I blow-out to make it straight. A muggy summer drives me nutty.

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