I suppose you may be wondering since I posted our agenda the other day, just HOW my hair turned out. Is it just the most ravishing "do" I've ever had? Does it make me look hip, of the moment and oh-so-chic? Okay, perhaps I'm getting too carried away. Is it an improvement at least. Let's go back in time a bit first. In September I wanted to release the "real me" which I felt was curly hair. Long, curly, blowzy and slightly granola-esque hair. The hair do that all the girls at Whole Foods seem to have.
So I went to get a perm. I've had a million and one perms in my life. Some successful, (see my first one) some not so. (see any given moment of the 80's) This "September perm", my first in probably three years, was in the later category. Fried -to -an-electrical- wire- crisp would be the description that best describes what I ended up with. No amount of deep oils, moisture shampoo, moisture conditioner, moisture leave-in conditioner, moisture mousse or moisture ANYTHING was gonna help this bale of straw. At best it looked okay, at worst it looked terrible. Here's a close up of my perm at it's best.
I didn't like it. But wait! This handsome young man seemed to think I looked pretty decent!
Or maybe he was just amused by finding a elderly 40 year old woman with a huge pile of hay on her head. (Perhaps its the fact I am the only one NOT making a weird face in this picture, by virtue of the fact you can't see my face.)
You know what? Forget me. Let's just get a better look at him.
But I digress. Despite the fact I hated my hair I am a girl who faces the consequences. So I let it grow. Chopped a bit of the ends off and waited.
(And while we wait let me give you more background. I am blonde. Most truly and emphatically blonde. Until my daughter was born. That girl messed with my hormones and from the minute I was pregnant my hair came in really really dark. No problem, I thought. I'm flexible. Adventurous. I went and asked the beautician to just dye my hair the color it was coming in. I can NOT describe to you the terror I had when I looked in the mirror. It just wasn't me. I couldn't find myself. The color was great, I'm all for brunette, but it just scared me. I have no other way to put it. So for the last 10 years I've been getting my hair "blonded" and fighting dark roots.)
So here we are to last week. I went in to my wonderful new hair dresser and told her my story. All of it. (Except for the part about the cute guy who seemed to like my hair at the wedding. The young one.) She understood and she said I have a choice. Perm and dark. Or straight and blonde. My course, thick hair was not going to stand for both blonde and permed. I'm a big girl. I took it like a man.
So, we hacked off more length to get rid of the perm. And then we dyed the roots and crown a bit darker with just a few highlights. (If you are a guy and are reading this, I"ve lost you, haven't I? Just skip to the pictures) The majority of the hair is still somewhat blonde left over from last dye job. Slowly, over time, I will now be a straight haired brunette. I'm dealing with it. My choice has been made. For now.
I know you can't stand it any longer so here it is:
Oh, wait. That is me separating it into sections so I can straighten it. Let's try again:

All in all, I would say I'm fairly pleased. A bit shorter than I like, but it'll grow.
Oh. Wait. What about Ms. D's dental appointment? It went really really well. She loves her dentist, but told the hygienist. "Could you be a bit careful. I have this one tooth that is, like, hanging from a thread and I'd hate for it to come out." Thoughtful look from hygienist. Under my breath I said "I wouldn't even try it if I were you...."

I love your hair. Especially the straight version. The lipstick thing cracks me up. Reminds me of how my grandma used to tell me "you could be so pretty if you'd just use a bit more makeup".
I cut my own hair which ends up either adequate or not so much. Notice how few pics of myself I have on my blog :) Of course if I had some with cute young guys flirting with me, I would maybe share a few. But even though that happens to me all the time there never seems to be a camera around when I need it. Okay, maybe not all the time...
I got ID'd for beer the other day, that must count for something?
Posted by: Mommylion | February 12, 2008 at 06:57 PM
OH, that is so my mother who is probably reading this..."You'd look great if you just (insert anything here)" I realize she just wanted me to realize my full potential.
I should explain the nice young man in the picture. But perhaps another time. I shall let everyone think wickedly about it for awhile.
Getting ID'd SO counts!!
Thanks for the comments/compliments!
Posted by: Maria | February 12, 2008 at 08:07 PM
You look great either way -- lucky you! The grass is always greener on the other side, right? I have naturally curly hair, and there's nothing I love more than I blow-out to make it straight. A muggy summer drives me nutty.
Posted by: Urban Mom | February 13, 2008 at 09:01 AM