Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.
So I totally missed National De Lurking Day/Week/Month/Whatever. It was back in January. I was busy transferring all my stuff to Typepad and getting used to it. At any rate it's never been like me to fall in with what/when everyone else is doing stuff anyway. Unless it has to do with hair styles and fashion. That's entirely different.
And I know how I've mentioned I am entirely addicted to my statistics, as paltry as they are. It's so interesting to see where people are from, how long they stay, where they go. What drives you? Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, Brazil for Pete's Sake!!! Someone in Brazil read my blog for two whole minutes! Why? And you from Belgium, you know who you are. Enlighten me, 'cause I think it's SO cool that someone in Belgium is reading my blog. I've never been to Europe. I'm so totally, disgustingly American in my geographical illiteracy that you could really help me. Tell me about Belgium for heavens sake! Enlighten my readers, too!
And there are some of you who come and actually go to other pages! You actually click on my curriculum links. What's with that? Even I am not interested in my curriculum. I posted it entirely out of boredom. You people seem to like my blog roll too. And I originally eschewed the idea of a blog roll. Go figure.
I also find it fascinating what sites some of you come from. A lot of you are from various homeschool forums I visit and list my blog at. Getting googled is particularly interesting. Although those of you who stumble here that way don't stay too long. Imagine. You were looking for "denim jumpsuit" and found a picture of my husband. There are 12 of you who have actually subscribed to me. (None of which are my therapist says that's okay.) Clearly you need my witty riposte in your life, daily. Many of you come from The Country Doctors Wife, or Chickens In the Road. After those opening acts, I'm sure I'm a bit disappointing, but some of you have actually stayed a bit.
So what I'm getting to here is the same thing I was getting to about a month and a half ago. All you blurkers are killing me. You're not commenting. I am terribly curious as to WHY you are here reading my drivel, and how you came to be here. And why do you come back, anyway? What drives you? Are you insomniacs? Do you homeschool? Are you looking for ideas of what to do when you visit Maine? Are you wondering if your child will ever read, so mine gives you hope? Does my haphazard- make- it- up -as- I- go- along homeschooling methods make you feel a bit better about yourselves? Are you related to me or are a friend and feel somewhat obligated to come here? I get that you stay because I am terribly of- the- moment and cutting edge in all ways that truly matter, but before that.
So this is YOUR CHANCE!!! Comment already. No, I'm not giving anything away this time. You have the sheer pleasure of knowing that you made my day and sated my curiosity and that of my readership. Now get to it. Below this post is a link that says "Comments". Click on it. Fill in the information. Leave a comment. Go away satisfied you did a bit of good today. And then come back tomorrow.
(And mom and dad, this SO means you too.)
PSSSTTTT: If you do nothing else, at least take the poll on the upper right hand of the blog! Inquiring minds want to know that, too!
You have read my mind! I have someone who popped in from India. India??!!! Who is THAT? (and why haven't they returned? ha ha) Hope all is well in Maine!
Posted by: Urban Mom | February 28, 2008 at 01:13 PM
I totally get this. I think you are my only non-blurker actually. So I feel your pain. It isn't just the people that don't comment that mess with my mind though. It is when people find me via google. I have no clue how I show up on google for some of the phrases that come up
Last week people kept visiting my blog via googling 'knit aprons'. I actually do have a knit apron on my blog but I have only knitted about 7 things in my whole life. It was embarrassing to have so little to offer my knitting public. :)
And why is it that relatives so rarely leave comments? Mine are bad like that too.
Posted by: Mommylion | February 28, 2008 at 05:20 PM
Thanks Maria,
I appreciate your designer ideas on my blog. That is exactly what I was looking for! Your blog is a riot! I am glad I have touched base with you and while I love to comment vs. lurk...I am sure you will see me here often! I appreciate it!
Posted by: Angela | February 28, 2008 at 07:03 PM
Well you ARE entertaining, so maybe that's why. :)
I feel your pain. On a daily basis, approximately one percent of my traffic comments. And I wonder about the other 99. WHAT are they thinking? Are they just there to watch the train wreck, LOL. You can't ever bring them out, though, so don't kill yourself. Unless maybe you talk about paint, that seems to bring people out..... (Weird. See? You never know.)
Posted by: Suzanne | February 28, 2008 at 08:17 PM
Uhh, I'm a homeschooling mom of mostly teens and what else am I supposed to do between 7am when DH goes to work and 11am when the troops awaken? Clean house? I think not. Watch TV? Who do you think I am? And I really don't like bonbons. But now I have a new name for myself-blurker.
Posted by: Ruth in NC | February 29, 2008 at 07:36 AM
Guilty as charged. I am your Belgian "blurker." I'm actually an American living over here, so maybe that takes away a few of the cool points. My husband is from Ashland, WI. But I could throw in a few French phrases here and there to make myself more interesting.
How did I find my way here? I *think* it was because of your geography post, as I was looking for someone using the NG Map Essentials books with their kids. I stay because I like your writing, and I like the "kitsch" in your sidebars, if I can call it that. Also the seemingly paradoxical combination of classical ed and unschooling.
We are homeschoolers in the making. My oldest just turned four, so we're still in the early planning stages. I do actually have a blog of my own, but it's kind of "generic family blog" right now. I have difficulty getting the grandparents to comment.
Now that I know I've been spotted I'll try to comment on occasion!
Posted by: Karena | February 29, 2008 at 07:57 AM
I guess you just never know what lurks in the hearts and minds of the ordinary blurker!
I enjoy your blog because it makes me smile, you homeschool, and you too are having to deal with this never ending frozen wasteland of a winter!!
Posted by: Tara | February 29, 2008 at 08:58 AM
This post was hilarious! You couldn't have read my thoughts better. These things keep me up at night. Who are these blukers, too bad, I'm one of them too!
Posted by: Paige(WTM boards) | February 29, 2008 at 09:24 PM
I wandered in here from Freakmom's just this morning. I'm an insomniac, homeschoolmom. Nice to meet you!
Posted by: thislittlepiggy | March 01, 2008 at 08:25 AM
I came to say thanks for the advice of "Deep breath. Nature walk. Chocolate." I think that will be my new mantra. In fact, I could start a whole blog devoted to those three gems!
Your blog makes me laugh...even if I don't always know what your exactly trying to say! I haven't looked into ways of watching my statistics. I'm afraid I might find it more fun then homeschooling!
Posted by: my5wolfcubs | March 01, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Well, since you're dying to know, I come here from the WTM board and I think you're a fun read. I know what you mean about stats though, I get comments from a few friends, rarely from family members, and I wonder just what everyone else is doing at my site!
Posted by: Kristiana | March 01, 2008 at 02:54 PM
We get lots of visitors from around the world and are always pleased to see comments from visitors. But we always see the comments as a bonus - like a little surprise letter from someone you haven't met.
So this is a comment from Australia responding to your comment on Bruggie Tales!
Posted by: DavidofOz | March 02, 2008 at 01:59 AM
I'm not from anywhere exciting. Boring old Illinois. But saying hello anyway.
Posted by: Freakmom | March 02, 2008 at 07:03 PM