While I was out of it (see below post) my daughter was in the process of turning a new corner. That is to say she stayed over night at someones house. This is huge.
She did so of her own volition. She didn't want to come and sit and wait whilst I was having my tooth removed so she came up with a plan: To stay with Ms. Teagan overnight so Dad and I could get up early and go to my appointment.
It sounds like they had a blast. Didn't get to bed until 11:30, (1 nightmare) awoke at 5:30 'cause they were just so excited (sure Ms T's parents were thrilled...) They made clay projects, produced and filmed a movie with Ms. T's brothers (loosely based on a Series of Unfortunate Events) She is now home and one very, very, very, tired cookie.
Oh, Happy Day! I am SO proud of her and when I tell her so she says "Mom, it was really no big deal." (This from the girl who still remembers when I went shopping and left her with Aunt B. And is still NOT happy about it.)