This picture was taken in October. We didn't know then that it was probably one of the last really great beach days. We went to the beach down the road on Clark Island. We went with Aurie's kids. I can't say enough great things about the kids. They are animated, enthusiastic, polite, intelligent, loud and crazy. Pefect for Ms. D. They also don't let her get the upper hand. M is 13, N 11, K 6 and N is 4. E is on her way any day to add to the bunch as number five.
We brought along a great little beachcombing guidebook. We solved a mystery that has been burning in our minds for at least a year. At this beach in particular which has a shallow, sandy low tide we'd always find these snake like coils of sand. We'd dig under the hollow to try to find out what it was but never able to figure it out. Whatever it was was gone. Well, M and N dug hard and fast and found a most interesting wormlike creature. We looked it up and found it was a lugworm. They build these burrows in wet sand, using mucous to plaster the sides to prevent collapse. Like earthworms, they excrete a non edible sand and other material out the other end of the burrow. Hence the coils of sand on the surface of the wet beach. Meanwhile, they collected PAILFULLS of hermit crabs. Of every size imaginable. THey wanted to bring them all home. HA! Aurie and I didn't go for that. So much for perfection in homeschooling moms. They let them go in a tidal pool. It was really awesome to watch how they maneuvered around a new territory. There was one huge beauty. He popped his head out of his shell and was a gorgeous red/orange color.